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    How to connect to GKE (Google cloud Kubernetes)

     Before you start you need proper GCP and GKE access. 

    Install Gcloud SDK:

    1. DOWNLOAD THE BINARY  Install the gcloud CLI  |  Google Cloud CLI Documentation

    If you have MAC, you can use Hoebrew: https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/google-cloud-sdk

    Install command:

    brew install --cask google-cloud-sdk

    2. Extract the binary and run

    3. Run the installation script  using the following command:


     4. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run gcloud init:

      ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init

    5. Download and install kubectl for kubernetes :

    or you may install kubectl through gcloud

    gcloud components install kubectl

    Configure Google Cloud

    Perform the following actions to authenticate and set project:

    gcloud auth login gcloud config set project <PROJECT NAME>

    Configure Kubectl

    Take a backup of your existing KUBECONFIG file, if any.

    Run the following commands to create a KUBECONFIG file: you can get the command from "Connect" option of GKE cluster in gcloud console.

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials <GKE CLUSTER Name> --region <GKE Cluster Region>

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