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    How To Reset Cacti Admin Password?


     How To Reset Cacti Admin Password?

    How To Reset Cacti Admin Password

     How To Reset Cacti Admin Password

    To recover Cacti Admin password you need to follow the following Steps.

    1. Login to cacti MySQL/MariaDB server with root Password.

    Use the following command to login the MySQL/MariaDB server as root. Please provide the password for root user.

    # mysql -uroot cacti -p

    cacti mysql server
    cacti mysql server

    2. After entering the password, use the following MySQL commands to reset the cacti Admin user password.

    MariaDB [cacti]> use cacti;

    MariaDB [cacti]> update user_auth set password=md5('admin') where username='admin';

    MariaDB [cacti]> quit;
    cacti password reset
    cacti password reset

    In our example, we changed the admin user password to admin.

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