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    How to Setup PMM(Percona Monitoring and Management) server and Register PMM client on Ubuntu for MongoDB

      In this article we will see how to configure PMM (Percona Monitoring and Management) server and PMM Client setup for MongoDB.

    PMM Architecture
    PMM Architecture
    Source: https://www.percona.com/


    1. We need to have Docker 1.12.6 or higher installed.

    PMM Server Installation:

    1. Pull the image.

      docker pull percona/pmm-server:2
    2. Create a persistent data container.

      docker create --volume /srv \
      --name pmm-data \
      percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/true
    3. Run the image.

      docker run --detach --restart always \
      --publish 443:443 \
      --volumes-from pmm-data \
      --name pmm-server \


    Create Volume PMM2
    Devopszones: Create volume

    PMM Server install RHEL8
    devopszones: PMM server Install

                  3. Connect to Percona Monitoring and Management:

    https://<IP Address or hostname of your Percona Monitoring and Management Server>/

    Default username/password is admin/admin and should be changed on first login.

    PMM Login Page
    Devopszones: PMM Login Page

    Install Client

    1. Download Percona Repo Package

    wget https://repo.percona.com/apt/percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb

    2. Install Percona Repo Package

    sudo dpkg -i percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb

    3. Update apt cache

    sudo apt-get update

    4. Install Percona Monitoring and Management Client

    sudo apt-get install pmm2-client
    PMM2 client Admin Version
    Devopszones: PMM2 Admin Version

    Connect Client to Server

    Requirements: Client to server communication to secure port on pmm-server (443 assumed) — must be performed on every system to be monitored.

    Register Percona Monitoring and Management client with server

    sudo pmm-admin config  --server-insecure-tls  --server-url=https://admin:<password>@<PMM Server IP>

    PMM2  client Register
    Devopszones: PMM2  client Register


    Create a Percona Monitoring and Management specific user for monitoring (from the MongoDB CLI)

    Enter the MongoDB Console: mongo

    use admin

    role: "explainRole",
    privileges: [{
    resource: {
    db: "",
    collection: ""
    actions: [

    user: "pmm",
    pwd: "<password>",
    roles: [
    { role: "explainRole", db: "admin" },
    { role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin" },
    { role: "read", db: "local" }

    Register the server for monitoring

    sudo pmm-admin add mongodb --username=pmm --password=<password>

    Easy-install script


    curl -fsSL -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/percona/pmm/PMM-2.0/get-pmm.sh -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/percona/pmm/PMM-2.0/.sha256-oneline && \
    sha256sum .sha256-oneline -c && \
    chmod +x ./get-pmm.sh && \

    How to Backup and Restore PMM(Percona Monitoring and Management) server Data

    How to remove PMM Server

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