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    You are not allowed to access crontab because of pam configuration" on SSSD configured system


    You are not allowed to access crontab because of pam configuration" on SSSD configured system

    Getting an error while running crontab -l on the system using SSSD for authentication:

     You are not allowed to access (crontab) because of pam configuration.


     It seems SSSD access restrictions kept the user from accessing crontab. We need to Check the access_provider in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf to confirm how SSSD is handling access restrictions.

    # cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf  | grep access_provider 
    access_provider = simple
     Depending on the access provider, modify SSSD, Active Directory or LDAP rules to allow the user in question access to the crontab.  In the case of using the 'simple' access_provider, add the user (oracle) in question to the 'simple_allow_users' line or one of their  groups (dba) to the 'simple_allow_groups':

    Find Articles on troubleshooting Other OCI issues.
    access_provider = simple
    simple_allow_groups = dba
    simple_allow_users = oracle

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