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    How to Create a read-only user in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

     How to Create a read-only user in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

    You may require to give read-only user for OCI access to external providers only read privileges on all your Infrastructure resources. 

    In this article I will show how to create a user with read-only  privileges.

    1. Connect in you Oracle Cloud Infrastructure web console with a administrator user.

    2. Create A User.

    First step is to create a new read-only user. Go to Sandwitched Menu -> Identity & Security -> Users and click "Create User".

    How to Create a read-only user in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

    3.  Create A Group.

    In OCI, privileges are given to a group, not an user. So you must create a new group to place this account and later we will give the accesses to the group using Policy.

    Go to Menu -> Identity & Security -> Group and click "Create Group".

    Give the group a Name and a Description.

    oci create group

    4. Create Policy.

    Now let's create the policies and assign it to the group. Change the compartment root.

    Go to Menu -> Identity & Security  -> Policies.

    Click "Create Policy" and give the policy a Name, Description.

    If you want to give read access to ALL resources, you can simply add the statement:

    Allow group group_name to read all-resources in tenancy

    Allow group test to read all-resources in tenancy

    Our group is test here.

    oci create policy

    Find Articles on troubleshooting Other OCI issues.

    5. Add User to Group.

    Go again in Menu -> Identity & Security -> Users, click on the created user. select "Add User to Group".

    OCI add user to group


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