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    How to upgrade zabbix 4.2 to 4.4 on Ubuntu and Debian

    How to upgrade zabbix 4.2 to 4.4 on Ubuntu and Debian

    zabbix upgrade

    Upgrade procedure

    Step 1. Stop Zabbix processes

    Stop Zabbix server to make sure that no new data is inserted into database.

    # service zabbix-server stop

    If upgrading Zabbix proxy, stop proxy too.

    # service zabbix-proxy stop

    Step  2. Back up the existing Zabbix database

    This is a very important step. Make sure that you have a backup of your database. It will help if the upgrade procedure fails (lack of disk space, power off, any unexpected problem).

    Please follow this article to take mysql/mariadb backup.

    Step  3. Back up configuration files, PHP files and Zabbix binaries

    Make a backup copy of Zabbix binaries, configuration files and the PHP file directory.

    Configuration files:

    # mkdir /opt/zabbix-backup/
    # cp /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf /opt/zabbix-backup/
    # cp /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zabbix.conf /opt/zabbix-backup/

    PHP files and Zabbix binaries:

    # cp -R /usr/share/zabbix/ /opt/zabbix-backup/
    # cp -R /usr/share/doc/zabbix-* /opt/zabbix-backup/

    Step  4. Update repository configuration package

    To proceed with the update your current repository package has to be uninstalled.

    # rm -Rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbix.list
    Then install the new repository configuration package.

    On Debian 9 run:

    # wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.4/debian/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.4-1+stretch_all.deb
    # dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.4-1+stretch_all.deb

    On Debian 8 run:

    # wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.4/debian/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.4-1+jessie_all.deb
    # dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.4-1+jessie_all.deb

    On Ubuntu 18.04 run:

    # wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.4/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.4-1+bionic_all.deb
    # dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.4-1+bionic_all.deb

    On Ubuntu 16.04 run:

    # wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.4/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.4-1+xenial_all.deb
    # dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.4-1+xenial_all.deb

    On Ubuntu 14.04 run:

    # wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.4/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.4-1+trusty_all.deb
    # dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.4-1+trusty_all.deb
    Update the repository information.

    # apt-get update

    Step  5. Upgrade Zabbix components

    To upgrade Zabbix components you may run something like:

    # apt-get install --only-upgrade zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-agent
    If using PostgreSQL, substitute mysql with pgsql in the command. If upgrading the proxy, substitute server with proxy in the command.

    Then, to upgrade the web frontend with Apache correctly, also run:

    # apt-get install zabbix-apache-conf

    Step  6. Review component configuration parameters

    Step  7. Start Zabbix processes

    Start the updated Zabbix components.

    # service zabbix-server start
    # service zabbix-proxy start
    # service zabbix-agent start

    Step  8. Clear web browser cookies and cache

    After the upgrade you may need to clear web browser cookies and web browser cache for the Zabbix web interface to work properly.

    Upgrade between minor versions

    It is possible to upgrade minor versions of 4.4.x (for example, from 4.4.1 to 4.4.3). It is easy.

    To upgrade Zabbix minor version please run:

    $ sudo apt install --only-upgrade 'zabbix.*'

    To upgrade Zabbix server minor version please run:

    $ sudo apt install --only-upgrade 'zabbix-server.*'

    To upgrade Zabbix agent minor version please run:

    $ sudo apt install --only-upgrade 'zabbix-agent.*'

    Next Article:

    How to Add Host in Zabbix Server to Monitor

    How to install Zabbix Agent on CentOS / RHEL 6/7

    How to Install Zabbix 4.4 in RHEL/CentOS 7

    How to Install Zabbix 4.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 / 16.04  and Debian 9/8 

    How To Install Zabbix Agent on Ubuntu 18.04 16.04 LTS

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