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    Linux LVM Extend a File system Which is in Mulitipath

    Linux LVM Extend a File system Which is in Mulitipath .

    You might have been faced multiple issues with LVM and must already be know the solution steps.
    This is yet another blog post to highlight one of the LVM which you a encounter. Please
    do have a look and let me know if anything is missed.
    1. Extend the LUN from the Storage.

    2. Scan it from OS.
     echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_device/<Controller Path>/device/rescan

    3. Do a Kernel update.

    4. Restart Multipathd service.
    service multipathd restart

    5. resize the PV.
    [root@example mapper]# pvscan
    pvresize <Device Path>

    6. Extend the LV.

    lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/STORLOGS-archlogs

    7. resize the FS.

    resize2fs /dev/mapper/STORLOGS-archlogs

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